It's 1st of February and we are a bit late, but we still wanted to share with you that our word this year at Caeli is MEANING.
Because we want to make an impact.
Because we want to put all our heart on it.
Because we don't want to act by default and then think "this is not us".
Because life is too short to do something that we find senseless.
Because we don't want to put a mask on, and we want to create according to our uniqueness.
Because we don't want others to put a mask on, and we want to be enriched by their differences.
Because diversity is good and it is created embracing uniqueness and following purpose.
Wishing you a 2021 of finding your meaningful road.
Teresa & Max
- Founders at Caeli
![girl walking in nature](
Image by Tatiana Twinslol on Pexels